Willpower is a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets.
Motivation is an important factor in your life, it gets you started to do some things; but the problem with motivation is that it also wears off that quickly, think motivation like a battery that slowly drains out as and when you progress, you may be exited to build a website and you will be highly motivated to get started but after you get started and find out that there is so many things to learn before you build a website and your motivation will start to drop, and continue to drop, you will start making excuses to not doing what you are supposed to do, and finally you start to move on something else that gets you motivated and it will end up having same result, you will move on before completing that part as well.
This is where Willpower comes in, willpower gives you the ability to keep pushing, no matter how demotivated you are, because willpower knows that the task at hand is more important to be completed than some excuse, willpower is like a trainer that tells you to keep on pushing no matter what, this not to say that motivation is not required, motivation to do a particular task is always required, because without motivation you will never take up the task itself, so in order to start the task you will always need motivation, and sometimes you may hit a plateau where you may see absolutely no progress, it is in this plateau where willpower is most required because after this plateau when you see progress again you motivation battery would be refilled and you will have the motivation to keep progressing and achieve your goals, and if you once achieved your goals you will find it much more easier to attain much harder goals using the same principle, because now you have got a hang of it.
This is what keeps you achieving your goals Vishal, your lack of willpower and desire to keep pushing, is what is stopping you from reaching your goals most of the time, you need to break your habits Vishal, you need to keep pushing and keep improving, you may not see progress but it is happening and slowly you will start to realize and see it, and that is how you can master stuffs in your life and achieve all your goals. So keep moving towards your dreams and always believe that it is possible, don't let temporary setbacks bring you down because that is true willpower, to keep working, remember do not waste your willpower on small stuffs only use it for important decision in life and to achieve worthwhile goals. KEEP PUSHING.
This is my advice to you Vishal, follow your heart and always remember your life motive.
What if after you die God asks you:
So, How Was Heaven?
Prepare for one hell of an answer.