You are Mad!!
First sign of madness, talking to your own head.
I know it's confusing, the blog title says my journey from being Vishal Nair to becoming The Vishal Nair. But the truth is that i am The Vishal Nair, at all times. The only difference is that i have yet to see what does it mean to be that guy, that guy is The Vishal Nair, he is always 5 years older than i am now, and he is constantly with me in my brain as an image, and the truth is this gives me hope and faith because i know i made it through whatever situation i am facing right now, how hard it may seem or how annoying it may seem, i make it through and that is the beauty of it.
I had listened to Elizabeth Gilbert (Author of Eat Pray Love) speech recently from TEDx conference where she mentions that in ancient Romans and Greeks did not believe in that human were creative but there were daemon or genius that come from some other world or other place and give the great philosophers, thinkers, etc. of their time the ideas or their artistic or philosophical work, so even if anything goes bad it's not completely the person who did it, is at fault, but the genius or daemon is also at fault.
But that is not the reason i am mentioning it here, to prove that nothing is my fault, but the thing is that this someone is very supportive metaphor, because it gives you the courage from falling prey to your own self negative talk, because you know this someone is way better than you are at everything and this gives you a level of confidence that nothing else can give you, so you need to trust it completely.
This is what The Vishal Nair means to me, he is everything i am, he is my embodiment of the future and he already faced what i am going through now and he emerged victorious, and he is teaching me how to do the same and this gives you a sense of purpose it teaches you to believe in yourself, and never give up because that guy, you from the future is sitting right besides you, and he is successful in everything you want to be successful in, so all you need to do is follow him and believe that he can guide you through it, because i am definitely going to fool or cheat on my younger self, this also serves one more purpose of "Fake it until you make it", some people would say that it is down right non sense and it is not even worth trying because it is not going to work, but the truth is that it has worked for me many times so i am going to trust it anyway, and what have you got to loose even if you fail, you were going to fail anyway if you didn't try at least now you can be happy that you tried, Failing is less worse than regrets, I had learned it the hard way, but i will keep pushing anyway because...