We all deeply believe that there is always going to be a tomorrow, and that is the biggest disease you will ever have, because you always live in the future not in the now.
“Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. Don’t waste this breath, if your heart isn’t crazy, since "the rest of your life" won’t last forever.”
― Omar Khayyám, Quatrains - Ballades
We always believe that we can do something tomorrow, but what makes you so sure you will have a tomorrow. Client Eastwood once said that, tomorrow is promised to nobody. But the truth is there is no promise that you will have next minute or next second in your life, you life may end anytime for a number of reason so why do you want to die in regret of tomorrow, that if i had one more day i would have done this or that, when there is no assurance of tomorrow. You should start living in the now, such that even if you die in the very next second you can be happy that you have done everything you could have done in that life span.
This doesn't mean you should not have lofty goals or dreams, you should always have those because they not only fuel your tomorrow but they also encourage you to take action today and live your life to the fullest because at the end of the day we all want the same thing we all want to live today so that we can have a great life tomorrow.
There is one big reason why you want to do everything tomorrow, because you are not motivated, because you think that tomorrow some magical way would appear and everything you want to do will automatically be completed without you doing anything but the truth is that won't happen, you will have to work your way, you have to put in effort and make it happen. It may seem very difficult at start but the truth is when you look back you will feel that it was all a walk in the park and it is. The reason you feel it to be difficult is because humans have a tendency to over exaggerate things because for us everything is impossible, but it is not once you set out to do it, nothing is impossible you just need to put your heart completely into it and you will see that patterns start to emerge and you will finally have a clear idea and vision as to where you are going and the path will illuminate itself and you will have success.
Vishal you need to understand you are already THE VISHAL NAIR, just let go of your control and fear and you will realize your full potential and let the universe show your capability, because as the famous saying goes when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
This is my advice to you Vishal, follow your heart and always remember your life motive.
What if after you die God asks you:
So, How Was Heaven?
Prepare for one hell of an answer.