Death - Unavoidable Truth

We all want to live forever, but that is not possible we will all die one day, and there is no running from it, you may try to avoid it but it will eventually come, it is in no hurry, it starts walking towards you as soon as you take birth and thinking of outrunning it is just foolish, you will get tired but death won't. “It is nothing to die. It is frightful not to live.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables There are so many things you want to do, but you always push back it for later, but what Read More

Overcoming Fear

Fear kills far more dreams than failure does. Whoever says they are not afraid or do not have fear is lying, and that is the truth. Fear is a natural thing that has been with us ever since the dawn of mankind, even animals have fear, Deer's are afraid when they see tiger's or other predators nearby, this fear is what kept us alive in our daily days of evolution, this fear thought us to survive, if you don't fear a big Lion coming to attack you, you probably going to die. Although times have changed this basic nature of Read More