Self Doubt - A Dream Killer

Kill a dream or kill yourself, both are the same.

There is this famous quote by Confucius -

“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right.”

This is completely true, by all means and in all walks of life. Comparing yourself to others is a sure way to fail, because you can never be that other person. Most people just cook up hypothetical situation where they see the people they admire as God's i.e. they are flawless, and truth is the are all flawed, there is no human alive or dead was not flawed in some way or the other each and everyone of us is flawed, lets say Sam compares himself to James, and he is not that good enough on whatever the quality it may be. The truth is that James himself can't defeat the version of James that you cooked up in your mind, and that is the simple truth that needs to be accepted. Once you accept that the rest will be easy.

Most people self doubt themselves , because they have some person who is extremely great at what they do and you are not even there, stop comparing, instead be inspired. This is the best time in history, because you can get all the knowledge in the world by just searching for it in the internet, whatever you want to achieve somebody has already done it and you just need to search for it and there will be at least a 1000 blogs that would tell you how to do the same for yourself. Learn and grow from it, take everything you can find on internet and make a plan that best suits your need.

You want to build a online business, search for it and you will always find answers. This is the best time to say:

Ask and you shall receive.

Get over what you think about yourself, because whatever you think about yourself is definitely not true, because we always have the habit of overestimating others and underestimating ourselves. Would the journey be difficult? Yes, but every moment you live this journey will be one hell of a lifetime, do not doubt yourself, because you know more than you think you do.

This is my advice to you Vishal, follow your heart and always remember your life motive.

What if after you die God asks you:

So, How Was Heaven?

Prepare for one hell of an answer.