Overcoming Fear

Fear kills far more dreams than failure does.

Whoever says they are not afraid or do not have fear is lying, and that is the truth. Fear is a natural thing that has been with us ever since the dawn of mankind, even animals have fear, Deer's are afraid when they see tiger's or other predators nearby, this fear is what kept us alive in our daily days of evolution, this fear thought us to survive, if you don't fear a big Lion coming to attack you, you probably going to die.

Although times have changed this basic nature of fear has not left us, and probably would never leave us because it helps us to survive, but this fear starts to affect us when it paralyses us to take any action, because taking no action will always lead to certain doom, which is a universal truth. I know it's easier said than done, even i have times of fear when I am completely paralyzed and all these times I have loosed big time, and that is exactly why I know that I need to fix it. So searching for answers i stumbled upon a TEDx video by Jonathan Fields and honestly its one of the best I have seen in overcoming fear.

He explains how to ask yourself 4 key questions and answer them and you will find the power to overcome your paralyses.

Here are the questions and my answers to them for you:

What Happens If I Fail?

I will be discouraged, feel like a total looser, feel broken, feel sad, mad at myself, people would speak about me that i am a total looser and good for nothing, completely worthless. It will be a doomsday

How will I recover?

I will get back back up, get more courage and try again. Doesn't matter if i have to survive on absolutely nothing, do a mediocre job to support myself while working on my dreams, i will do it, without any shame or fear. I will keep fighting.

What if I did nothing?

I will be stuck in the boring rut that people call Life which is just a way of saying a life that is equal to dying. i.e. go get a job, get a house loan, buy a house, get married, have kids, buy a car on EMI, send your children to college, retire then die a boring death filled with regrets of not doing anything.

Remeber Vishal:

Warriors die once, cowards die everyday.

What if i Succeed?

I will have everything, i wont be afraid to die any day, although i would love to live on. I will live my life on my own terms, I will have the best love story to tell my children about their mother and me, I get to choose what i want when i want it. I would leave a mark on the world that i lived here and if i hadn't come here the world would be different and i because i was here i made it a better place. I will build my heaven on earth.

When you die and GOD asks you:

So how was heaven?

Never forget this Vishal whatever you do is to give one hell of an answer to this question.