Anger - Your Friend And Foe

Anger can be constructive or destructive, it completely depends on how you handle it. If you cannot handle your anger properly, it will lead to your destruction. "You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." ― Buddha Or if you control your anger properly it can take you to great heights that no other emotion can take you. “Anger is just anger. It isn't good. It isn't bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It's like anything else. You can use it to build or to destroy. You just Read More

Death - Unavoidable Truth

We all want to live forever, but that is not possible we will all die one day, and there is no running from it, you may try to avoid it but it will eventually come, it is in no hurry, it starts walking towards you as soon as you take birth and thinking of outrunning it is just foolish, you will get tired but death won't. “It is nothing to die. It is frightful not to live.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables There are so many things you want to do, but you always push back it for later, but what Read More

The Promise Of Tomorrow

We all deeply believe that there is always going to be a tomorrow, and that is the biggest disease you will ever have, because you always live in the future not in the now. “Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. Don’t waste this breath, if your heart isn’t crazy, since "the rest of your life" won’t last forever.” ― Omar Khayyám, Quatrains - Ballades We always believe that we can do something tomorrow, but what makes you so sure you will have a tomorrow. Client Eastwood once Read More

Life Purpose

Sometimes it is difficult to know why you are alive at all, and we try to find it's meaning from outside sources, but you can't find it there, if you want to find it you have to look inside. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt Your life purpose is what you want to be, being what your heart wants, but what you heart truly wants, not what you believe what your heart wants, because our beliefs are generally, Read More

Happiness - Is within YOU

“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” Stacey Charter Happiness is a very difficult thing especially when you think you have nothing to be happy about, but the truth is that happiness has to be created by yourself and cannot be achieved from Read More

Willpower - What goes beyond Motivation

Willpower is a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets. Motivation is an important factor in your life, it gets you started to do some things; but the problem with motivation is that it also wears off that quickly, think motivation like a battery that slowly drains out as and when you progress, you may be exited to build a website and you will be highly motivated to get started but after you get started and find out that there is so many things to learn before you build a website and your motivation will start to Read More


You are today where your thoughts have brought you; You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. This may feel like some guru crap to you, but it is not, it actually works but the truth is that most of us can't visualize the things we want because we don't think we deserve it and that needs to change, you know why, because that is not the truth, you deserve every single bit of it. This doesn't mean that you just visualize it and it will magically appear in front of you, it won't, but as you start to Read More

Being the One

Who are you? This is the most common question that you keep asking yourself, everyday so her is the answer, to who are you? A man is anything he believes he is. The truth is that most of us have forgotten this simple truth, it is so simple hence we believe it is not true. Because life cannot be so simple and easy, it should be so complicated and hard that no one is able to understand it, even ancient philosophers couldn't understand it. But the truth is, it is this simple, and most philosophers knew it but just as Read More

Self Doubt - A Dream Killer

Kill a dream or kill yourself, both are the same. There is this famous quote by Confucius - “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right.” This is completely true, by all means and in all walks of life. Comparing yourself to others is a sure way to fail, because you can never be that other person. Most people just cook up hypothetical situation where they see the people they admire as God's i.e. they are flawless, and truth is the are all flawed, there is no human alive or dead Read More